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EPDM vs. Butyl: Material Comparison

Posted by Randy Dahlke
EPDM vs. Butyl: Material Comparison

Choosing the right material for your parts can be tricky, especially when some options share a lot of the same qualities. Both EPDM and butyl rubber are known for being very durable compounds that excel at resisting sunlight, water, and other outdoor conditions. However, there are a few factors that can make either EPDM or butyl a better fit for your application. 

Ready to see which material is right for your parts? Let’s break down some key qualities that can affect whether EPDM or butyl is a better fit for your parts.

The Differences Between EPDM and Butyl

EPDM and butyl are both synthetic rubbers. EPDM is made through the polymerization of ethylene, propylene, and certain other alpha-olefin comonomers and quickly gained popularity in the 1960s due to its versatility and cost-effectiveness. Butyl dates back to the 1930s when American researchers polymerized 98% isobutylene and 2% isoprene to create the modern version of this material.

While both polymers are effective in similar environments, there are a few specific characteristics that can make one more effective than the other. These performance criteria include:

  • Permeability
  • Compression set
  • Temperature ranges


EPDM is no slouch with very low water permeability, but butyl excels in this area. Butyl is completely airtight, preventing even gases from passing through it. That is a quality unique to butyl when it comes to rubber materials, which helps separate it from EPDM and other compounds if permeability is a notable factor in your decision making.

Compression set

If you need your parts to bounce back to its original shape after being compressed, EPDM is likely a better fit for your parts. EPDM provides good bounce back for door seals and other parts that will undergo sustained compression, whereas butyl is less able to return to its original thickness.

Temperature ranges

EPDM and butyl have similar temperature ranges, but one may be better than the other if your part needs to survive in high or low temperatures. Here are each material’s respective ranges:

  • EPDM: -60 to 350° F
  • Butyl: -75 to 250°F

As you can see, EPDM has the edge when it comes to high-end temperatures, while butyl offers a slight advantage for extreme cold.

Invest in Quality EPDM, Butyl, and Other Parts Tailored Around Your Specifications

EPDM and butyl can both be excellent options for businesses in need of rubber parts – but only if they meet all your design requirements. Material selection requires a delicate balancing act of addressing pain points, design needs, and budget that can pose problems without enough expertise.

Need some help finding the right solution for your business? Timco works closely with businesses to provide custom part solutions that address the specifications of your unique application. Give us a call at 800-969-6242 or contact us online to talk about how we can help you get the right parts for your applications.